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Settle Town Council operates two allotment sites within the Parish of Settle. These sites are know as Dog Meadow, and Cammock Lane. The location of the allotments are the two green areas shown on the map below

Published: 27 September 2022

Cammock Lane Allotments

Cammock Lane allotments are at the junction of Cammock Lane and Station Road.

allotment_plans_cammock lane


Dog Meadow Allotments

Dog Meadow allotments are down Brockhole Lane which is just off to right from Ingfield Lane after Limestone View.



Applying for a Plot

Availability of plots varies with demand, and the Council operates a waiting list when sites are full

Cost of plots for 2024-25  Full £80 Half £40 Quarter £20 per annum.

Plot holders are required to sign a tenancy agreement and pay an annual fee.

If you wish to apply for an allotment, you will need to complete an application form. These are available from the Council’s offices at Settle Town Hall – or you can download one and send it completed to the clerks email address.

Once you have completed the form you should return it to the Council.

The Council will then contact you with further information – and arrangements can be made to view any plot which may be offered to you.


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