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Council Business

Settle Residents Public Survey

Thank you to everyone who filled in the survey. We appreciate your interest and time. Click on the link to see the results.

Published: 18 October 2022

people on bicycles riding along a dedicated track

Are you in favour of Settle Town Council proceeding with the Pump Track Lighting and Youth Shelter?



Are you favour of Settle Town Council proceeding with the Pump Track Lighting and Youth Shelter if it includes a council tax precept increase of 2.6% which is the equivalent of an additional £2989 a year for the purpose of the annual loan repayments?
What does this mean to the council tax payer?
To proceed with the electricity connection for the lighting at a cost of £23,512 (ex VAT) and the addition of a Youth Shelter at a cost £9,513 (ex VAT). The Total amount the Council will need to apply for is £13k (subject to interest rates) borrowed over 5 years. This will mean a small rise to the precept, the equivalent of £2.64 per year on a band D property. A cost of just 22p per month

More Details




Next steps are to apply to the Secretarty of State for approval for the Public Works Loan Board.
Thank you

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