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Settle Car Parks

Settle Car Parks

Published: 27 September 2022

Settle has four car parks, three which are owned and run by Craven District Council. These are Ashfield, Whitefriars & Greenfoot.Costs vary from as little as 80p per hour up to £3.10 for four hours. Full details can be found on the Craven District Council Website

The Market Place car park next to the Town Hall is owned and run by Settle Town Council.

The map above shows the location of the car parks. The purple areas are Craven District Council car parks and the green is the Settle Town Council Car park.


Using the Market Place Car Park – Parking Discs

If you intend to use the Market Place or the surrounding streets to park, make sure you have a disc. Display the time you arrive on the disc. Failure to display a timed disc will result in a parking fine.

Parking discs produced and issued from another Town’s or Cities can be used in the disk parking zone. The parking disc does not have to be issued by Settle Town Council.

The cost of producing the disk is quite expensive and the council would like to encouraged visitors who will only require the disc for less than a week or so, to return it for re circulation. Please note Tuesdays is Settle Market day and there is no parking on the Market Place between the hours of 6:00 am to 6:00pm on that day.

Further information on free parking can be found by clicking the link. Please click for a plan of the Disc Parking Zone.

Free Parking Discs are available at the following outlets (they will have a poster on display):

 Shambles Fish and Chip Shop
Dales Deli
Tourist Information Centre
Field and Home Pet Shop
Ye Olde Naked Man
Practically Everything
Car and Kitchen
Dacre Son & Hartley
 Lamberts Newsagents
Continued Care
Royal Oak Hotel
Talbot Arms Public House
Settle Business and Community Hub (under the Archway)
Skipton Building Society
 Drake and Macefield
 3 Peaks Cycles

Parking Enforcement

Harrogate Borough Council are the enforcement agency for all the car parks in Settle and any enquiries or appeals should be directed to them and not Settle Town Council. Further information can be found on their website.

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